Zagnanado May 2009


Post: Zagnanado
Date of Project: June 19th

Brief Project Description:

“Beninese History and Cultural Day”: I want to take members of my kids’ art and recreation club to the Abomey museum for a day of learning and fun. I plan to take nine 6em and 5em students for the day to take a museum tour and we will eat lunch at the museum afterwards before returning home to Zagnanado. Each student is contributing 500 francs for the field trip.

Number of People Involved: 9 CEG students, 2 PCV chaperones

Item Number Unit Price Cost
Round-trip taxi: Zdo- Abomey 11 3.100 CFA 34.100 CFA
Museum entrance fee (students) 9 500 CFA 4.500 CFA
Museum entrance fee (chaperones) 2 2.500 CFA 5.000 CFA
Lunch 11 400 CFA 4.400 CFA
Total Cost 48.000 CFA

Amount Requested: 48.000 CFA


GAD Coordinator: This seems like a good idea, but it would be great if we knew more about the who and why; if Anna can provide better info about the number and gender of participants, why the club is taking this field trip, and how it relates to pasts club activities, recommend funding.
GAD Finance: Agrees with previous comments; also wants to know if the students will be discussing the history of the region at all before the field trip.
GAD Specialist: Agree with both of you. It would be interesting if the students could then organize a session at the CEG to inform other students. This means that they have to be prepared before they leave so that they can ask the right questions and take correct notes.

Closing Report

Brief Project Description:
I took 8 CEG students (seven 6e, one 4e) to the Abomey historical museum. I describe my club as a wellness club where the students participate in exercise, art, and learning (through hygiene games, discussing pictures/articles in National Geographic magazines, etc.) The focus is to expose the kids to different experiences and encourage creativity and learning. Going to the museum provided the students an opportunity to understand more about their history and see another place in their country who many have never visited.

Dates of Project: June 19, 2009
Number of People Involved: Seven 6e, one 4e (3 male, 5 female)

Goals of Project:
The goals were to enhance students’ knowledge about Beninese history and expand the understanding of their region of Benin.
Strengths of Project:
1) Small group size so they all participated in the tour (i.e. paid attention, asked questions, could hear the guide).
2) The guide spoke French and then restated what she said in Fon when the children didn’t understand.
3) We had a group discussion afterwards talking about what the students learned and why it was interesting/pertinent to them.
Challenges of Project:
I wanted to do a post-trip report or presentation at the CEG to share what the students learned but the timing was poor and school was out by the time we went.

Final Budget:

Item Number Cost
Museum admissions: students 8 3.200 CFA
Museum admissions: adults 1 800 CFA
Taxi – roundtrip 13.500 CFA
Subtotal 17.500 CFA
Students’ contribution 1.600 CFA
Total Cost 15.900 CFA
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