Tchaourou 2 June 2008

Post: Tchaourou
Pick up Location: Parakou
Project Description: To create awareness about child trafficking through a creative medium other than educational seminars by making a CD of poems, theater sketches, and songs in French. Local artists from the Parakou region will be asked to use artistic means to interpret their sentiments about child trafficking. A select few will be selected to record their poems/songs/sketches onto a CD that will be copied and disseminated to other partners and volunteers as an awareness rising campaign. Please note, all artists will be asked to submit copies of their lyrics/poems/scripts to ensure that nothing political will be mentioned.
Dates of Project: End of June
Number of People Involved: 20

Item Number Cost
Studio Cost 3 Sessions (15.000 CFA/session) 45.000
CDs 1 stack 5.000
Total 50.000

Amount Requested: 50.000 CFA


GAD Coordinator Comments: Recommend funding
GAD Financial Officer Comments: Recommend funding

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