Kouande July 2008

Post: Kouando
Pick up Location: Cotonou
Project Description: World map painted at the CEG in Kouande to facilitate students’ understanding of geography.
Dates of Project: July 4th 2008
Number of People Involved: 2 volunteers and 4 students

Item Number Price
White Oil Paint (4kg) 2 24.000
Tube of Blue Tint 2 7.000
Tube of Red Tint 1 2.000
Tube of Yellow Tint 1 2.000
Measuring Tape 1 3.500
Paintbrush 1 500
Paint Roller 1 2.500
Total 39.500 CFA

Amount Requested: 39.500 CFA (discount of 2,000 CFA)


GAD Coordinator comments: This project was submitted in June. I believed that it had been approved in by Kristen in her last GSP application cycle, but apparently it was not, as I received an email from Dutch a few days after we had finished reviewing proposals in which he asked what is going on with his project. Because it was my fault that the project was not reviewed and because it is a simple world map project, the project was reviewed outside of the normal application cycle and the project was approved without additional comments from the Financial Chair or the staff GAD Specialist.

Closing Report

Date(s) of Project: 21st June – 23rd
Brief Description of Project: To paint a world map on a propionate wall of the CEG in Kouandé to be used as a visual teaching aid for the CEG students.
Number of People Involved and Age Range: 7 people between the ages of 10-27
What Were the Goals/Objectives of This Project? To paint a world map at the CEG in Kouandé to facilitate students’ understanding of geography.
Were Those Goals/Objectives Met? The map was successfully painted. In the coming scholastic year the map will be used as a teaching aid for the CEG students.
What Were the Strengths of This Project? The map will not only be useful for geography classes but adds a little class and color to the CEG.
What Were the Challenges/Weaknesses of This Project? The sun and heat were a challenge. This led us to work very early in the morning till noon and quit for the day
Do You Consider This Project Completed? Yes

Item Number Price
White Oil Paint (4kg) 2 24.000
Tube of Blue Tint 2 7.000
Tube of Red Tint 1 2.000
Tube of Yellow Tint 1 2.000
Measuring Tape 1 3.500
Paintbrush 1 500
Paint Roller 1 2.500
Total 39.500 CFA
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