Ketou January 2010


Post: Ketou
Dates of Project: January 29, February 5,12,19,26, March 5,12

Brief Project Description:
The project is a business club that takes place each Friday at the local CEG. Students will form teams of 5 members, with pairs of teams making competing products (2 teams making bisape and 2 teams making cookies). The club will meet together to discuss business principles such as marketing and accounting (see attached schedule). In the weeks of marketing, the teams will be given the means employ different forms of advertising by making posters, making announcements in front of the whole school, creating skits (to represent televised advertisements), and creating promotional games to for their products (think of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory or Coca-Cola “BRRRR: prends la vie du bon côté” ).

During the 2 weeks of accounting, they will learn how to manage a balance sheet as well as stock After 6 weeks of planning, a competition will be held for each team where there will be a mock “market day” where each team will be allowed to pick 2 distribution points from which they will sell their product. After being briefly trained on production methods, the supplies necessary to produce the respective products will be specified by the students and bought by the volunteer.

On “market day”, a sample population will be picked from the students in the school who will be given fake money with which they will buy the products that each team has made. The rules are similar to real life in that whichever team makes the most money will win the competition. The week after the competition, the club will meet to discuss the results. By the end of the 8 weeks the students will have learned the principles and skills necessary to responsibly manage a business.

One thing that is important to specify is that the students will never touch the money supplied by GAD. The volunteer will be solely responsible for it.

Finally, even if some of the teams don’t do well, in the end, the entire 8 week process will be essentially a game from which everyone in the club will learn.

Number of People Involved:
19 Boys 15-19
1 Girl 17

Note: There is a possibility of more teams being involved

Each teammate will be involved by being personally responsible for the organization and success of the team. As a team, they will be affected by learning valuable business principles as well how to work together as a cohesive group.

Item Number Unit Price Cost
Copies 50 15 750
Khaki Paper 12 900
Markers 16 400 6.400
Glue 1 1.500 1.500
Notebooks 8 100 800
Pens 12 50 600
Production Budget 4 5.000 20.000
Sodas for winning team 5 400 2.000
Total Cost 32.950

Amount Requested: 32.950 CFA

Schedule for Business Club

Week 1-January 29: Marketing & Marketing Game
Week 2-February 5: Developing a marketing plan (posters, announcements, sketches)
Week 3-February 12: More Marketing
Week 4-February 19: Accounting: Managing a balance sheet
Week 5-February 26: Accounting: Managing stock
Week 6-March 5: Production methods
Week 7-March 12: Market Day
Week 8-March 19: Debrief, feedback, and plans for the future

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