Athieme June 2008

Post: Athieme
Pick up Location: Cotonou
Project Description: The CLAC Athiémé, (le Centre de Lecture et de l’Animation Culturelle) is a small library and cultural center very popular with the youth of Athiémé. The recently formed Club de Lecture et de l’Animation Culturelle, composed of about 40 students and guided by the librarian and the local PCV, has voted and organized a cultural evening including performances in modern and traditional dance, lip-syncing, theatre, and poems. The Wednesday before the day of the event, the CLAC will host a simple competition based on literature knowledge; the top ten will be awarded prizes as part of the cultural evening. The club will sell tickets to the public, creating some revenue for the CLAC and the club.
Dates of Project: June 14, 2008
Number of People Involved: 50 participants

Item Number Cost
Music Equipment 1 14.000
Books (as prizes) 10 20.000
Photos and Video Recording 1 25.000
Total 59.000

Amount Requested: 50.000 CFA


GAD Coordinator Comments: Recommend funding
GAD Financial Officer Comments: Recommend funding

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